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In the early seventies, a tiny three-year-old girl stood watching suitcases gliding by on the baggage carousel while hundreds of strangers bustled and jostled, all in a hurry. She’d just landed after a 22-hour flight from Cairo, through Changi and on to Sydney, with her two brothers and her mother.

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It seems paradoxical – the more you give away, the more people are willing to pay for your services – but it’s true. This exact approach has worked quickly and effectively for me for years. The key is that it’s got to be good and of high relevance to your target audience. This builds people’s confidence that you consistently know your stuff and that you can be counted on for long-term value. People soon realize that if you’re willing to give away such valuable expertise, think how great the solutions they pay for will be!

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It is no secret that “word of mouth” or referral business is one of the most effective ways to bring in new clients while simultaneously strengthening relationships with your existing customer base. But even though it is extremely powerful and virtually free (or at most costs very little), very few business owners or coaches use it anywhere near it’s potential!

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Today's guest started work in 1981 as a bank officer, he founded his current business Evolve Your Business in 1990. That's almost 32 years ago. He started podcasting in 2014 currently runs two podcast, as Business in the Hills and Evolvepreneur. He is currently marketing and business strategist at Evolve Your Business, founder at, CEO of Evolve Global Publishing, CEO and founder at Best Seller Secret and seven times number one, Amazon International, Wall Street Journal and USA Today best selling author. He's a busy man, today's guest.

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What do you really want from your book? This sounds like a simple question, but more often than not, many authors actually don't have an endgame in mind for their book. It might have started as a great idea. Their ego may have led them to write it. Then, when it's published, they realised that there was never an actual strategy around the book. We talk about creating a book marketing plan in a later chapter, but in reality, you should draw up your marketing plan before you write a single word! This is what that means: when writing your book, think about that one perfect prospect; your best client. Write your book as if you are talking to that one ideal client. Trying to appeal to the masses might be viable for a fiction book, but for a non-fiction book, you want engaged readers that feel the book is written just for them. It's a great idea to write down what your perfect reader looks like in terms of demographics, as well as what their personality is and what they want.

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This show will feature various business owners sharing their expert advice, and recommendations on how they reached success, and what is means to them. We will also discuss with experts and gain their insights as to how the attributes of the different dimensions of wellness can link to these entrepreneurs being successful. This show will assist those both new to business, and existing owners discover new ways to reach success, and improve on a balanced wellness approach to life.

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This show will feature various business owners sharing their expert advice, and recommendations on how they reached success, and what is means to them. We will also discuss with experts and gain their insights as to how the attributes of the different dimensions of wellness can link to these entrepreneurs being successful. This show will assist those both new to business, and existing owners discover new ways to reach success, and improve on a balanced wellness approach to life.

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Dragon Tactics presents the culmination of 30 years of individual experience as leading figures in Chinese corporations, written by Aldo Spaanjaars and Sandrine Zerbib. By exploring direct insights from their experiences in Chinese work cultures, applicable business strategies, and case studies from industry leaders in the Chinese entrepreneurial space, Dragon Tactics acts as a set of actionable lessons taken straight from business leaders around the world.

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There’s never been a perfect time to revitalise your personal brand to be engaging, remarkable and memorable. Be positioned consistently with world-class visual assets and brand strategy. Connect to a wider audience and BE KNOWN!

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Upon Arrival is a podcast for the people creating unforgettable travel and event experiences for corporate clients. This community thrives on inspiration, ideas and strategies which are needed now more than ever through a pandemic. No one really knows when this travel-dependent industry will truly revive. But the drivers for incentive travel are still strong and it’s just a matter of finding where the success stories are. John North has had to pivot multiple times when things kept crashing and burning through no fault of his own. By necessity he's transitioned to a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing strategist and app developer. He's also written seven #1 Best-Selling books along the way, including Startup Secrets, where he outlines five steps to fast track from an idea to a business.

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