My Books:

Podcast Secrets for Entrepreneurs

The 5 Step Blueprint to Crafting, Developing, and Monetizing Your Show

Attention All Entrepreneurs!

"Podcast Secrets for Entrepreneurs" is a comprehensive guide that equips entrepreneurs with the knowledge to leverage podcasting for business growth. It provides a step-by-step approach to creating, launching, and growing a successful podcast.

This book is filled with practical tips and strategies, covering everything from equipment selection and content creation to podcast marketing. It also offers expert advice on monetizing your podcast, turning it into a profitable venture.

Beyond being a technical guide, it serves as a roadmap to digital age success. It empowers entrepreneurs with the tools to create a podcast that resonates with their target audience and drives business growth.

Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or a beginner, this book is a valuable resource that will help you harness the power of podcasting to achieve your business goals.

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Evolvepreneur Secrets For Entrepreneurs

How To Create Specific Strategies To Build Your List, Make Offers And Connect With Your Best Buyers

Attention All Entrepreneurs!

Do you want simple and effective ways to get started that don't cost a fortune in time or money?

Discover the best steps for each strategy we teach and what the most important areas to focus on are, and even connect with your best customers and grow an online community.

If you're looking to succeed with quick start concepts for online entrepreneurs, then this brand new book by John North reveals how to create specific strategies to build your list, make offers and connect with your best buyers.

In fact, here's just a sample of you'll discover in the pages of this insightful new book:

  • Mindset
  • Strategy
  • Implementation
  • >Measure and review
  • Pivot and repeat
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

And, as a special bonus, we'll also reveal how you can utilise podcasting a quick and easy way to market your book or ideas!

Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has "been there and done that!"

Get this book NOW and claim the quick start concepts within!

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Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs

How to Create an International Best-Selling Book in as Little as 90 Days Without Writing a Single Word

Learn These 5 Book Publishing Secrets

Having a published book is one of the most powerful ways to gain authority in your industry. It's the ultimate marketing strategy that sells itself! And with these 5 Book Publishing Secrets, getting your book written, published, and into the hands of as many people as possible has never been easier!

We speak to many entrepreneurs every day, and this question eventually comes up...

"What's the fastest and easiest way to boost my marketing and get more customers?"

Almost without exception, we say, "a book!"

You can base your book around your business, or you can use it to start a whole new business. The great thing about writing a book is that it not only ensures that you get crystal clear on what you do, but also how you do it.


The 5 Stages To Entrepreneurial Success

What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Dominating Your Market

It's a common question, but what makes a successful entrepreneur?

It's my belief that success isn't just about making money. Most people start a business for the freedom they expect it to give them. The cold hard reality is that most entrepreneurs end up working longer hours and for a lot less than a typical wage for an average job.

Entrepreneurs commit to “the hustle” because they have a much bigger vision for their future than the average person. But then, if they work harder than an average worker, then why doesn't every entrepreneur become massively successful?

The fact is, many entrepreneurs are making the same mistakes year after year. Learn what those are and how to avoid them in The 5 Stages To Entrepeneurial Success.


The Big Ideas Book

7 Powerful Marketing Strategies for the Modern World

From Apple's iPhone to Uber's ride-sharing service to ChatGPT, over recent decades we’ve seen ‘big ideas’ turn the world on its head.

Yet what about those big, everyday ideas that can give your business an edge? Those little hinges that swing big doors, each of which can be worth thousands to business owners?

You’ll find 7 of these ideas inside "The Big Ideas Book," which is based on the three legs of a stool every business needs to thrive: lead generation, systematisation/automation, and sales.

Each chapter is a masterclass in its own right, from seasoned experts who are masters of their specialised fields.

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Strategic Concepts from 15 International Thought Leaders to Create Influence, Credibility and a Competitive Edge for You and Your Business

Authority is the great force multiplier, adding impact to everything it touches.

In this insightful book, you will find the collective wisdom of 15 international thought leaders, scattered across three continents and multiple industries, as they share their best strategies for building influence and authority. Covering everything from video and print media to social media and consulting, AUTHORITY lets you inside the minds of experts who have built their own authority and helped countless others do the same. Whether you find yourself in a small business or large, virtual or traditional, you can benefit from the increased impact and success that comes with AUTHORITY.


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Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!

How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money

Everything you've ever learned about generating leads and growing your business is wrong. Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong.
We'll reveal the strategies you can immediately deploy that will enable you to out-think, out-market and out-sell your competition. What we want to do in book is to teach you a system for marketing your business... to a point where it becomes instantly obvious to your prospects that they would be an idiot to do business with anyone other than you... at anytime, anywhere or at any price. By following our simple 5 step plan:

  1. Create More Leads
  2. Get More Conversions
  3. Get More Transactions
  4. Have Higher Prices
  5. Generate More Profits

We can help you build a million dollar or even multi-million dollar business. Also make sure you take advantage of the free bonuses found in the book!


What Most Business Owners Don't Know... And Will Never Know... About Internet Marketing

Discover many low cost internet lead generation tactics that you can use today to double your marketing results immediately

“For any business to succeed in the current era, using internet marketing isn’t an option any longer, it’s an absolute must!”

We speak to many entrepreneurs every day, and this question eventually comes up...

"What's the fastest and easiest way to boost my marketing and get more customers?"

Almost without exception, we say, "a book!"

You can base your book around your business, or you can use it to start a whole new business. The great thing about writing a book is that it not only ensures that you get crystal clear on what you do, but also how you do it.


The Game of SQUASH

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Game and Win More Matches

“Here’s a positive goldmine of secrets to help you take your game to the next level.”

The Game of Squash Book was written to help beginners to advanced players get more out of their game and find ways to win more matches.

We believe squash can become very addictive, but what a wonderful addiction!

Most players strive to improve, but the lack of discipline or knowledge can hold you back. The Game of Squash is designed to give you an easy resource for all things squash.

If you’ve ever felt even mildly interested in playing, this is the resource for you. It will tell you absolutely everything you need to know, and hopefully encourage you to make squash a valuable part of your life.